

俚语 pie bitch

pie bitch

the slag that brings the sandwichs and pies around industrial estates i.e warehouses
when you hear the sound of the horn from the slag wagon you shout " pie bitch "

Skanky pie bitch

The sort of girl that getting with makes you common. The pie comes from there ability too always get messy after a night out. Generally judges those they cannot. When your sat in a room and look around and think who hasnt got with that girl, shes probably an 'spb'.
mann, i got sucked into that skanky pie bitches void last night

Bitch Pie

(Noun) Description of a female's poor and condescending general attitude or demeanor to another. In reference to the ingredients of a metaphorical pie, that is filled primarily with bitch.

See also bitch
Friend 1- Dude I just got off the phone with Janine and she was acting crazy!

Friend 2- Sounds like she had too many pieces of Bitch Pie for dinner




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