

俚语 piece-of-shit

piece of shit

(Noun - Person)

A person who makes completely self-absorbed bad decisions that result in very bad personal consequences and personal failure with little payback to the individual making the decisions. This type of person typically does really bad, self-destructive things purely as a means of getting attention. Activities usually involve doing something very mean to someone else for attention. Often suffers from low self-esteem and can be also defined as a loser.
This piece of shit recorded a YouTube of himself licking ice cream and putting in back on the shelf.

piece of shit

a person who is very abusive towards other people or animals.
That guy over there is always insulting people. He is a piece of shit!

piece of shit

A useless person who spews crap and bullshit out of their mouth constantly.
"Do you know Doug?"
"Are you talking about that big piece of shit fucktard that is nothing but a bumbling, stinking parasitic wretch?

"Yes, that's exactly who I am talking about!"
"Ya that dude is a pathetic idiot who is full of crap, and wallows in the sewer of life."

piece of shit

any object, person, or other existing thing that works incorrectly, is too expensive, or just plain sucks.
Ryan that hummer is a piece of shit! Why'd you buy it??!

Dude, why would you vote for bush? he's a piece of shit!

piece of shit

Something that prompts you to put a fucking in the front.
You fuckin' piece of shit, I'm gonna kill you!

piece of shit

people who lack value in their presence in any way; waste of air; people who should question why their existence does not add to society
Mackenzie is a piece of shit

piece of shit

(1) a worse than worthless object or person; an object or person that holds no value or redeeming qualities whatsoever

(2) a stupid, low-life, self-righteous human being who makes life a living hell for themselves and others

(3) a small portion of human or animal fecal matter; waste excrement
"That car is a piece of shit!"

"Men are pieces of shit!!!" Heather angrily said to Kyle. "Yeah, so are women," Kyle said back to Heather.




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