

俚语 pieces of bread

pieces of bread

a bunch of dumb 13 year olds who cant play their instruments but plauy shows thinking that they can.they screwed up on their easiest song at their last show.
i hate their drummer the most.i would like to punch him one in the face.PIECES OF BREAD SUCKS!

first piece of bread

The hoe that everyone touches but nobody wants
Jacy is the first piece of bread out of the group of hoes

finger piece of bread

The finger piece of bread is the slice of bread that is full of crust on one side, and is the first slice, this is called the finger piece of bread because people finger there ways past it to get to the normal slices of bread !
Haha look at George, his sandwich is made up of the finger piece of bread

I've got a piece of bread that used to have an egg on it !

A way of telling your boss, work superiors, police or officials to "go fuck themselves !" without getting into trouble or sacked.
Health and safety employee - "Do you have a permit to work in this area?"
Worker - "I've got a piece of bread that used to have an egg on it !"
(basic translation-"No i don't so fuckoff")


Police man - "have you got your drivers licence?"
Driver - "I've got a piece of bread that used to have an egg on it !"

Man in street 1 - "Excuse me sir, have you got the right time on you please?"
Man in street 2 - "I've got a piece of bread that used to have an egg on it !"

White Sliced piece of bread

A person who is bland, plain, or devoid of any character whatsoever.
John’s cousin is like a white sliced piece of bread; he’s fucking boring.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:57:21