

俚语 pierre's


1.The art of enhancing your inner nonchalantness.
With all the hallaballo and rickamarrow going on, that guy over there is as chill as a Pierreness!


A common name given to male children from Creole or French backgrounds.

An attractive man with a strong but quiet personnality; chizzeled features and gentlemen-like qualities.

A very thoughtful guy who would be an ideal boyfriend. He can read others like a book and everyone looks to him for advice. He is dependable and looks out for those who are good friends to him. However, they think too much and don't act enough. Pierres are the "go to guys" that anyone would be lucky to find as a friend or lover!
You're so lucky to have a Pierre


An attractive man with a strong but quiet personnality; chizzeled features and gentlemen-like qualities. An amazingly handsome man with a heart of gold. A very thoughtful guy who would be an ideal boyfriend. He can read others like a book and everyone looks to him for advice. He is dependable and looks out for those who are good friends to him. Pierres are the "go to guys" that anyone would be lucky to find as a friend or lover! The hottest guy alive. Makes the girls crazy, The kind of guy that will rock YOUR world
Whoever knows one will be so lucky to have a Pierre around.

#pierre #sexy #handsome #crazy #bigdeal
Damn bro...you are such a pierre.


Someone who doesn't want to leave the house
Yo Pierre you wanna come out here?



A rock. A great friend. A great mind. All together
Pierre Barroca


The one who I've fallen in love with, but regret doing so. Pierre is so amazing, sweet, and caring, it's hard not to fall in love with him. Mostly every girl likes him one point or another. But I get the feeling he likes me back. Everything is very complicated with Pierre though, because he previously dated my best friend, and so many little reasons tell us that we can't, or shouldn't be together. I can't help but love him, but I can't tell him that I DO love him. It might ruin our friendship. There is a slight chance he also likes me, but only slight.
Random Girl: Look at Pierre! Should confess I love him now?
Me: Umm...I guess so.
*girl tells Pierre she loves him*
Pierre: Oh, I don't really know you that well, sorry.

*Pierre glances at me as he walks away*


A French nigga who thinks he a Blood and try's to hit up your mom at your local supermarket
Girl 1: Pierre tried to get my number

Girl 2: French ass nigga, we jumping him tonight.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:23:10