Derived from pig latin
PigBasic is a type of speech where the speaker amalgamates or changes various commands associated with programming languages such as C++ or VisualBasic (the imitation of which is commonly thought to have spawned the term).
Associated users of PigBasic are commonly trying to make a quick point that does not require strict accuracy; purposefully modifying the language to include other commands for comedic purposes; or are unaware of their inaccuracy or incompetence but liable to try and blag their knowledge at nerd conventions anyway.
Any word or phrase that clearly resembles programming language but has no actual legitimacy as such.
PigBasic is a type of speech where the speaker amalgamates or changes various commands associated with programming languages such as C++ or VisualBasic (the imitation of which is commonly thought to have spawned the term).
Associated users of PigBasic are commonly trying to make a quick point that does not require strict accuracy; purposefully modifying the language to include other commands for comedic purposes; or are unaware of their inaccuracy or incompetence but liable to try and blag their knowledge at nerd conventions anyway.
Any word or phrase that clearly resembles programming language but has no actual legitimacy as such.
Man that's PigBasic, and she's my sister! Why do I keep hanging out with you?