

俚语 piggy dick

piggy dick

A small penis either slighly curved and/or twisted
Girl: i was gonna bang simon till he whipped it out and it was a piggy dick, i ran as soon as i saw it


To carry ones self in an overly horny and aggressive manor. To behave as a little piggy would, communicating by squealing and snarfing down troughs of food.
“Whats wrong with Logan? He’s being a little Piggy-Dick”

“Hey Piggy-Dick get off my lawn”

“Eww look at that naked guy squealing.. what a Piggy-Dick”

dick piggy

(noun) individual partial to the notion of fallacing others in a non-discriminative manner. Generally applied to women wearing an excess of makeup and or body piercings. May also be commonly used when describing a scantly-clad female. -slut -cock nobber -prostitute
Holy shit, I can see her pussy in that skirt, that bitch must be a dick piggy!




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