

俚语 pig-ons


Short for pig on a spit. It is the act of one boy fucking a girl in the pussy or ass doggy style while she sucks another boy's cock. Taken to the extreme it is possible to lift her off the ground so it resembles a true pig on a spit.
Me and bill gave the slut across the street pig-ons last night.

two pigs with one bird

A reference to the crazy popular smartphone game Angry Birds, this is a modern version of killing "two birds with one stone," meaning solving multiple problems with a single solution.
Friend 1: I just invented THC Beer, so now we can get drunk and high on the same substance!

Friend 2: Way to kill two pigs with one bird!

Killing two pigs with one bird

A modern version of the popular saying "killing two birds with one stone." derived from the popular video game "angry birds."
I was killing two pigs with one bird by eating lunch and playing angry birds at the same time.

kill two pigs with one bird

To accomplish two tasks with one action; an update of the phrase "kill two birds with one stone" via Angry Birds
Guy: Hon, I've got to go out to the post office.
Girl: While you're at it can you pick up the dry cleaning too ... kill two pigs with one bird?

Killing two pigs with one bird

Same meaning as "killing two birds with one stone" except this metaphor draws from the popular video game "Angry Birds."
If you burp the words "excuse me" you're killing two pigs with one bird.

guinea pig of one's own demise

what someone becomes when he or she goes out on a limb to try something new or risky and ends up having his or her plan fail completely.
Theorizing that the more I studied, the worse I do on tests, I didn't study for my comp sci test and I failed. I was the guinea pig of my own demise.

In Spider-man, when Norman Osborne conducted experiments on himself that lead to his insanity and death, he was the guinea pig of his own demise.

(variations of "guinea pig of one's own demise")




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