

俚语 pigskinning


The sexual act of two people taking a football and shoving it between their anuses. Both people then in turn push as hard as they can, trying to penetrate the other with the football. The person who penetrates the other stands up with arms up yelling 'TOUCHDOWN!' as they run away.
John: Do you wanna try pigskinning tonight?

Frank: Nah, last time when I lost I was sore for a week.


A derogatory term used to describe a person of caucasian descent.
I hate that pigskinned honkey.


Pigskin, white people, a white person, Caucasians,
Black person 1: Last night at the bar a white guy hurled racist abuse, then called me an ape and a monkey.
Black person 2: Wow - But white people's skin color is exactly the same as pigs. I hope you told him so.
Black person 1: Yeah, I called him a pigskin who can't even leave his house in low temperatures without putting on sunscreen.
Black Person 1: Man, that's funny.


An accurate term for a white person. White people actually do not have white skin, but pink, the same as pigs.
Black guy: "Look at all these pink bastards with their pigskin roasting in the sun"
Asian guy: "Yeah, just like when I have a lechon cook out"


A white person. Caucasians.
Black guy: "Careful there's some pigskins over there."

Random guy: "Hey did you hear pigskin boy called me the n word?"


An oval shaped ball used in American and Canadian football. These balls were originaly made from pigskin.
Lets go pass around the pigskin.


The oval shaped ball aka a football which is tossed around in the sport of American Football. Named this because the first footballs were made of pig leather.
Forest would not let go of the pigskin even after scoring a touchdown




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:10:41