(noun) A living being that cannot be classified into either of the species owing to its distinct pig-like physical and characteristic features and at times human-like behaviour but a retard nonetheless.
I went out with Lisa and her husband last night for dinner as my partner was away, only to realise later that Lisa had invited Petli Patel and her husband too. As the odd one out, I kept quiet throughout, Lisa kept on egging me to talk and just to start a random conversation, I told Lisa that I have been eating healthy all week, except for tonight as I was eating out. Lisa's friend Petli Patel who is obese had an attack or something and she yelled at me a by saying, "Well you should have ordered salad then, since you have not just shut the fuck up and keep eating, this is not healthy eating, this is not how healthy eating is done. I know it well and that's why I am in shape." Since I was talking to Lisa and Petli Patel butted in, we term Petli Patel as a 'Pigtard'. It was like a pig lecturing me not to eat shit.