

俚语 piler


When you do a shit so big, that it forms a little pile on top of the water.
Dude, my ass hurts so bad; I just made another piler.


An amount of defecation so voluminous that it creates a veritable "shitberg" which crests well above the waterline of the toilet.
I took a real piler this morning after eating so much last night.

Crep Pilers

A pair of jeans that sit on top of high top trainers piling up.
"dude check out that guy's jeans."

"yeah man total crep pilers"


when you block someone and lose streaks with them on snapchat
“oh hey did you hear that reggie just randomly blocked ariana? they lost their snap streaks.” “oh, reggie must be bi-piler”

shithole piler

One who shoves random crap or piles things up in random areas, instead of finding its home. Particularly common with spouses.
My husband is a shithole piler when it comes to cleaning and organizing.

shit hole piler

Someone who piles stuff (shit) in different piles when they don’t feel like putting it where it belongs. Typically a lazy person.
“Chris can you stop being such a shit hole piler and put the stuff where it belongs?”

Nugget Piler

When someone is an idiot

They are a nugget, when they are an idiot constantly they are piling in nuggets, they are a nugget piler.
Boy 1 - did you meet that girl the other day,
Boy 2 - she was the biggest nugget piler I ever had the misfortune of meeting




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