

俚语 pilferous


Miscellaneous objects with no intrinsic value or function, typically acquired on a whim due to heightened level of sexual excitement given from magical presence of the pilferous object. This effect is usually short lived. These itmes may be appealing to hoarders, hipsters or those who purchase in bulk. However, most view pilferous objects as a first world problem typically owned by those who make duck faces, take selfies and or mirror pics with bright colored lipstick or those that check in at the gym on Facebook.
John owns so many pilferous objects in his house that he can't even walk. I can spend days drawing penises on Snapchat pics of all the useless pilferous objects he has.


To steal.
Pilferer : "I pilfered a stereo in a small riot downtown."
Dude : "Did you pilfer any CD's to go with it."
Pilferer : "Nah. I nearly got caught pilfering this."


An activity enjoyed by meth heads; this includes rummaging and pocketing through someone elses belongings. Abandoned houses are an easy target. The dopey's usually aquire a dozen flashlights, broken watches, Bluetooth speakers and portable batteries.
Hey Jim Tom, lets go pilfer out in Pongo tonight?


Another definition to pilfering is to go through stuff intensely either your stuff a friends stuff or dumpster diving sometimes taking things or asking for things that is not yours.
“Hey girl do you want to go to Toppers with us tonight?”

“No thanks girl April and I are going to go pilfering in her closet!”

“Why is it every time Aime gets high she has to go pilfering through my stuff?”

“So fucking annoying.”

“Hey let’s go pilfering at the flea market today?”


to steal slowy from another person. rumming through other peoples stuff. a person who's good at stealing without the other person knowing. a scandelist theif
that girl is always pilfering though others things. they are pilfering through everyone's belonging.my things were pilfered by someone.


also used to describe to rumage through someones stuff, without their permision.
There was a truck parked outside with a bunch stuff in the back, I pilfered through it and found this boxfull of goodies.


Person that sits in a bathtub, farts, then bites at the bubbles
Chris's breath smells like shit because he's a pilfer.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:39:54