

俚语 pills up

pills up

Ports hell runs me
pills up got ran by ports hell

pilled up

someone who has taken a lot of pill-form drugs. pilled up refers to the way the person looks after taking drugs. similar to the expression drugged up, but is used to describe a higher drug class, i.e. ecstasy is a class A drug and is a pill. can also be used to describe a general drug high. common expression used at raves and in clubs.
He was so pilled up last night
That is one pilled up chav
you look pilled up


Pill-up is what older women do when they have to interact with their ex-husband. Ex-husbands just drink and swear to deal with the bitchy, pilled-up ex-wife.
My step-mother likes to pill-up when her ex-husband comes in from out of town. I wish she would just smoke pot and drink a lot like the rest of us.

I found my step-mother digging through my purse and stealing my migraine medicine. "Oh I guess Thomas is coming to town," I said. She nodded and took a double dose.

pilled up chef

person who continuously has a pill jaw and wears chefs clothes.
pilled up chef is on a pilled up rampage!!

pills up

“who is pills up?”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:35:07