

俚语 pine grove

pine grove

to do anything with a family member which would be deemed sexually deviant or incestual.
Alfred: Hey did you hear about Bill and his daughter?
Franky-Joe: Yea i heard he went pine grove on her, wtf is up with that?

Pine Grove Middle

A bull shit hell hole with no windows. The teachers have retard children and suck at thier job. they are gay because they get a lot of improvments when you leave. there is a wide variety of children, 6th graders who still walk in lines, to 8th graders who act like they are hot shit. A place for upcoming douchebags, sluts, and stoners who will move on to perry hall high school, to start a drug empire or become hardened criminals. The black kids act like everyone is against them. there is a lot of asians. But over all they are still arrogant little shits. Math teachers are Gay
"Do you remember Mrs.Barth? She was the bitch teacher at Pine Grove Middle with the retarded son."

Pine grove park

Undercover homosexuals that meet up for gay sex late at night at this park
Damn bro Eddie got caught on grindr that Pine grove park ass nigga




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:37:11