

俚语 ping pang

ping pang

the japanese art of EXTREME ping pong
Ching chong ching chang "ping pang" chingy chong bong whoashu!

ping pang gang

a discord server full of clinically insane gay people
dumbass a: I am fucking terrified of those insane homosexuals

dumbass b: yeah ive heard their cult is called ppg.. it stands for peepee gorilla

dumbass a: you dumbfuck it stands for ping pang gang

Ping Pang Pong

When a person is extremely good looking
"Woah man that girl is ping pang pong"

Ping the Pang

To get high off marijuana, usually through smoking, but can be done through ingestion of baked goods, etc.
Me: Yo Jordan! Wanna go ping the pang?

Jordan: Nah man. I'm gonna eat some oatmeal.

schloop schloop ping a pang bong

To play a vigorous game of monopoly.
"Hey, want to come to my place later and schloop schloop ping a pang bong?"
*gets slapped in the face*
"I guess she doesn't like monopoly."

Pang Ping Hor

A Dumbass
You Such A "Pang Ping Hor".

ping pong pung pang

a terrible sport that only really dumb people play that uses a wooden table and two racquets that can be broken easily
he is really bad at ping pong pung pang




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