

俚语 pink bubble

Pink bubbles

Pink bubbles is the feeling a female gets in her pelvic area when she is turned on.
I’m currently experiencing pink bubbles.

Pink Bubble

The female bubble that the Green/Blue Bubble wants to be with at all times. She is sooooooo0oo0o0o0ooo0 cute.
I miss you, Pink Bubble!

Pink and Bubbly

1.A feeling in which your really,really in love with someone and you really cant get them off your mind.

2. A feeling of extreme euphoria and excitement
Me: *visibly excited*

Daniel: dude what's wrong?

Me: I'm sorry I'm just so full of life,im all pink and bubbly. I've just been so happy this week.

Cutie Softie Sweetie Pink Bubble Princess Kitty

The cutest thing ever existed in the universe. AKA Ruoying Wang
Ruoying Wang is THE Cutie Softie Sweetie Pink Bubble Princess Kitty.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:39:39