

俚语 pink pancake

Pink Pancakes

The act of pressing one's scrotum against a window, as practiced by pop star Mick Hucknall out of Simply Red.
Mick just served me a hot stack of pink pancakes.

Pink pancake

The act of pressing your scrotum against a flat surface thereby producing a circular, pink mass. For best results this should be performed against a clear surface and viewed from the other side.
When Mick pressed his balls on the glass coffee table, Louise thought that they looked just like a pink pancake.

pink pancakes

Use to describe virginal lips that are overly larger or folding over more then normal. So when turned sideways they look like a stack of pink pancakes.
That girls pussy lips were so fat they looked like pink pancakes.

Pink Pancake

at act of a large female scissoring another large female, producing a squishing sound
XXXbelly of the beastXXX, and tub o' lard were making a pink pancake on their web cam

pink pancake

un clean V E R Y hairy pussy with every kind of desease that you can think of.
" so how was last night !? " " BRO ! THAT BITCH GOT A PINK PANCAKE ! " " EHWWWWWWWWWW "

Flipping the Pink Pancake

When a man fingers a woman multiple times.
Me and my Girlfriend were cooking up so much action i started flipping her pink pancake.




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