to makeout/hu with someone, or someone you are about to sexually connect with
guy 1: yo who you pinnin
guy 2: dude this really hot chick named sara
guy 1: lucky! I wish i could pinn her
guy 2: dude this really hot chick named sara
guy 1: lucky! I wish i could pinn her
to makeout, wheel, hookup and or be dating someone.
Boy 1: Who you pinnin?
Boy 2: Ashley.
Boy 1: damn i wish i could pin her.
Boy 2: Ashley.
Boy 1: damn i wish i could pin her.
An opinion.
My pinnin is my pinnin .
doct pinnin
doct pinnin means you have the best/hardest fits or someone else pointed out somebody who has the best fit
Guy 1: Yo, that guy over there got a hard ass fit not gonna lie
Guy 2: Yeah he doct pinnin!
Guy 2: Yeah he doct pinnin!