

俚语 pinocchio’s nose

Pinocchio Nose

A really huge dick typically 18"
"Are you ready to ride my Pinocchio Nose baby?"

pinocchio's nose

A sexual act in which you go in a girl soft and slowly get harder and harder as your erection gets longer and longer inside of her
Man #1: "It's hard for me to keep and erection without meds"
Man#2: " Well maybe you should try pulling a pinocchio's nose, then you could get one in the minst of doing the hanky panky"

Fat Lipped Pinocchio Nose Motherfucker

It's when your significant other is standing in front of you telling you the most ridiculous bold face lie but all you can do is laugh.
He came home at 3:30 am telling me his car broke down but his Google Maps told me what a Fat Lipped Pinocchio Nose Motherfucker liar he is.

pinocchio's nose

A sexual act in which you go in a girl soft and slowly get harder and harder as your erection gets longer and longer inside of her
Man #1: "It's hard for me to keep and erection without meds"
Man#2: " Well maybe you should try pulling a pinocchio's nose, then you could get one in the minst of doing the hanky panky"

Pinocchio’s Nose

Another word for erection, boner.

The slang means that when your penis rises and gets hard. It simulates the nose of Pinocchio growing whenever he lies.
When Frank saw that sexy college girl, he got a Pinocchio’s Nose.

Frank: look at the chick

Guy 2: she’s hot

Frank: I think I’m getting a Pinocchio’s Nose…

Guy 2: me too!




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