

俚语 pintagious


Pinterest addict that references pins daily and attempts to convert all non users to follow their compulsion.

1. A Pinterest addict who continually attempts to convince others that they need to join in their contagious pinning fever. Unable to control compulsion to make everyone understand how cool this is.

2. Someone who has been infected by a daily pinner with constant reference to new pins and new discoveries via Pinterest. Constantly- Until they too become pintagious.

3. Develops into a psychotic episode by gradually limiiting mental abilities to categories, pins and likes. Short attention span of 5 to 10 seconds followed by endless hours of searching for nothing in particular. But finding the best stuff ever.

Danger: capable of being transmitted by bodily contact with an infected person or object: see pintagious diseases.

Once exposed rapidly spreads within hours. No known immunity. People with prior control limits in FB may be in more danger.

Tends to spread from person to person very rapidly, especially in circles of friends, co- workers and families.

Only prevention is complete removal from grid and no computer exposure at all. Some experts saying more dangerous than drugs or porn. (Read more at wearescrewed.con)
She has been pintagious for weeks now; constantly referring to a pin or trying to convince non users to join.

Jane is so pintagious lately. There isn't a conversation that doesn't revolve around a "pin" or a new upcycle project discovered on Pinterest.

Our mental clinic specializes in habilitating the Post pinterest community by re-aquainting them with the outside world.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:50:11