The most beautiful girl in the world-she is deserving of nothing less than a knight in shining armor. If you hurt her, she will make your life miserable without lifting a finger. pipelolas are VERY successful and VERY talented in what they do. They are smart and sexy, ravishing and creative, and dazzling. You are very lucky if you have a pipelola in your life, because she is a great listener and will help you if you are in a tight situation. All pipelolas are a wonderful combination of athletic and hilarious, while looking amazing at the same time. There is no need to shower her with compliments, she will compliment you right when you need a boost of confidence. The pipelolas are extremely intuitive and have great taste in music, or intense muscial ability. No matter what, pipelola will love you, because she loves everyone she knows despite what they will do to her out of hatred, jealousy, or her hard-to-get quality!
If you have a pipelola in your life, cherish that fact, and be thankful for her!
I love pipelola, she's so awesome!
I love pipelola, she's so awesome!