

俚语 pipo


n. A very helpful robot. He appears in the 1997 classic survival horror game OverBlood. Made popular by Game Informer Online.

adj. One who is instinctively, or naturally helpful.
These look like Pipo! No, it's a different type. These aren't as helpful as Pipo.


Pendejo de mierda
Hey Pipo! Can I use the play station?

“No, fuck off”


n. A very helpful robot. Appears in the 1997 survival horror classic Overblood. Made popular by Game Informer Online.

adj. naturally or instinctively helpful
These look like Pipo! No, it's a different type. These aren't as helpful as Pipo.


1. An incredibly helpful, intelligent, and stoic individual who looks after someone who is slow and mentally imbalanced

2. An otherwise together person who has above qualities
Steve: Help! I can't flip this stupid switch!

Milly: I'm not your Pipo, do it yourself!


A very unique person with a fun and adorable personality. Shy at first, but is very caring and friendly.
This person is such a good friend. He is a Pipo!


Pipo is a very lovable guy. He’s definitely a one and only. He never fail to make you laugh even when rockbottom hits you. Pipo is the kind of guy that’s cool to hangout with. He would never let you feel awkward or boring even for just a moment. He loves to put a smile on the face lf the girl he truly loves. He is determined and well-driven as well as goal-oriented. One thing that’s lovely about Pipo is that, he plans the future with you and is serious in building a life with you. That’s why the girl he loves is saying “YES”
Pipo is what you call a guy that is sweet, snob, serious, and thoughtful all the the same time.


A young nig who keeps it 3 hunna
Damn look at the pipo




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:32:35