

俚语 pipsi


a mf who won't put the fucking cat ears on.
"they won't put the cat ears on"
"oh, they're such a pipsi"


Another word for penis
You call that a big pipsi?


Genius LoL player, also happens to be excellent Minceraft builder
I saw Pipsi built that insane castle, she must be crazy good


Easy, no trouble, no stress, simple as can be.
Derived in Yorkshire from the kid slang: easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Ie Lemon pip (seed) - pipsicale - pipsy. Currently in use with 11\\12 year olds, who claim its old coinage, at least 2 years old.
Teacher: You can now begin the test. Turn over your papers.

(A pause of vocal silence and paper rustling, followed by the sniff of the precosious kid at the front)

Precosious kid: This test is pipsy. I'll get 100 per cent.


A 50 something year old man that looks like he’s 80. A Pipsy frequently thinks he is going to be dead before the next time he sees you.
Dan : who was that guy standing outside the bar thanksgiving night. He looked so lonely.
Kevin : he’s just a poor Pipsy


Some where between pissed drunk and tipsy
I am felling a little Pipsy .


The male genitailia, (Penis)

An insult derived from the ways of language spoken by Justin Cooper.
He looks like a cubbie that just say there all day playin with his pipsy. HABAISTON!!




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