

俚语 piss on me

piss on me

screw me over. create chaos in my life. mess with me.
don't piss on me, tell me if you don't want this

You're pissing on me!

alternative for the saying "You have got to be kidding me"

used to show disbelief or dismay.
girl 1: "She likes him again!"
girl 2: "You're pissing on me!"

pisses me

When you're too lazy to say three words, you just say "pisses me" instead of "pisses me off."
"Dude, when people don't go the speed limit, that really pisses me."

Pissing me on

Too be doing the opposite of pissing one off. Making them really really really freakin happy.
"Dang it, Kenneth! 'Stop pissing me on!'"

Piss me on

Really happy about something. The opposite of piss me off.
A : What did Aiko do last night?
B : She stayed up late and worked on our project
A : Wow!
B : She really knows how to piss me on!

pissing me off

Makes you very frustrated
He was talking so loud, it was really pissing me off..

piss me off

really angry with something
A : What did u do last night?
B : I enjoyed movie with my boyfriend.
A : you REally piss me off
B : piss me off?




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