

俚语 piti


Piti is a pretty nice good looking Mexican short guy from Guadalajara that doesn't care about society, the only thing he cares about it his small group of friends and family and he will let you know by his actions that you belong there.
He doesn't really express love by saying it his way to express love is really weird, he will make you fell secure by his side and protecting them from thing or people that he doesn't think are secure.

He is a really humble guy but stupid at the same time because he will never tell you no or he will be seduce by a nice smile from a chick but if he has a girlfriend he will never cheat on her, Piti will always make sure that his GF will be in the best conditions possible and treat her like a real princes, but he really cares about him been the boss at the relationship but he is really bossy with her but always has a reason why.
Another characteristic about him is that he loves to be the leader and to everyone to follow him.
That's the way Piti will have it done


what you have when you feel sorry for someone and want to do something good for them.
I pity him so i walked over to him and talked to him


The chief export of Mr. T.
Me:I made out with a fat chick.
Mr.T:I pity the fool
Me: points at self
Mr.T:Nods head

Such a pity

Used to describe something that is pitiful. It is usually muttered under your breath, so that the someone a/o something doesn't hear how you feel about them.
Sarah: It doesn't look that far.

Jareth: It's further than you think. Time is short. You have 13 hours in which to solve the Labyrinth before your baby brother becomes one of us forever. Such a pity.


Something described as pitiful is not considered to be satisfactory or deserving of respect:used to say that you consider something to be very bad or not satisfactory or not enough:
Craig never comes home. Therefore, Craig is pitiful.


Pity is 'thinly veiled hostility'.
Tsk tsk, what a pity.


Something the strong offer the weak due to some internal feeling of sorrow or sadness for them. However totally unnecessary and should be given to noone.
Pity should be given to noone




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:38:20