

俚语 pitty titties

Pitty Titties

When yo girl has boob sweat and they smell like body odor from your armpits...Pitty Titty
Damn bro, I was hooking up with Michaela and started sucking her titties before I had to stop because she had Pitty Titties...she got pissed I couldn't continue as I told her to take a shower.

Pitty Titties

Pitty Titties are from the words pitty and tittie combined. Together those words mean that your girl-friend or boy-friend has saggy titties.
holy piss man your girl has pitty titties.

Pitty Titties

When yo girl has sweaty boobs and they smell like body odor from your armpits.
Damn bro, I was hooking up with Michaela last night and started sucking on her titties and had to stop because she had Pitty Titties....she was pissed that I had to stop and told her to shower...i'm probably not getting laid for a while




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:43:56