

俚语 pixel-lover


Someone who can't get girls/boys so they resort to dating pixels knowing full well that it's wrong and you don't even know who your talking to. For all you know it could be a 40 year old man in his basement, someone who falls in love with virtual and unreal things, what a bunch of thirsty as kindergartners. If your one of them get out of my sight you disgusting vile creature, how about instead of fantisizing with your pixelated bf you go get some real babes. Grow up.And lets face reality . "They don't even know you exsist. And the person your simping over is not even real." So grow up get a life cause your furry suit doesn't seem to fit you anymore you oversized f*. How about instead of sitting in your basement an tryna get pixels you go outside and touch some grass. Honsetly your showing fatherless behaviour, you must be so neglected your resorting to pixels. Who would've thought your mother would create a mentally unstable person all of that pain for a worthless, pathetic , thirsty piece of sh*. ( and this is for you f*ked up pixel-lovers <3)
-"Wow I really wanna date this fake ahhh vr character."





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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:46:11