'Żobb imqatta' roti roti.' A Maltese slang word which translates to a sliced human penis, similar in shape to a sliced banana. Commonly used to take the piss out of someone.
1) "Nagħmillek xi naqa pjoti mal-insalata?'' - 'Would you like some sliced cock with your salad?'
2) "Mer! Tinsiex tixtri l-pjoti!'' - 'Marie! Don't forget to buy the sliced cock!'
3) "Għandek ħalqek riħa ta' pjoti!'' - 'Your mouth reeks of sliced cock!'
2) "Mer! Tinsiex tixtri l-pjoti!'' - 'Marie! Don't forget to buy the sliced cock!'
3) "Għandek ħalqek riħa ta' pjoti!'' - 'Your mouth reeks of sliced cock!'