Planet Nixton
“Planet Nixton”, is located in the neighboring galaxy of ours to the North. Commonly referred to as the North Star “in that General direction” for about 1,000,000,000,667.8 miles/kilometers from planet earth. Planet Nixton is a purplish/pink or red hued planet with two ice caps. Planet Nixton is well known for its cat girls and that’s really about it. Most Nixtian’s “the alpha species” have a very low IQ rate and are not known for the smarts. Although one of there strong suits is speed and agility, which plays a big role in one of there main entertainment sports of life and death. A Nixtian, is a humanoid like species that has ears of a cat and have other small features and characteristics that would remind one of a feline.
~A realistic conversation about Planet Nixton/a Nixtianin~
-Person A: “Whoa, bro look at that girl, she has cat ears... how is that even possible.”
-Person B: “I don’t know but she’s kinda hot...”
-person C: “WHÂT THE HĒLL IS WROÑG WITH YOÛ... that’s a guy, you do know that right?!
-person B: “Fu*k, how do you know???”
-person C: “because i do... not all Nixtians look the same, kinda Nixtianist man”
-Person A: “I am confused and wan play Among Us with my bois, let’s get the hell outa here!”
-Cat1sôn: “nope... *Boom*”
-Person A: “Whoa, bro look at that girl, she has cat ears... how is that even possible.”
-Person B: “I don’t know but she’s kinda hot...”
-person C: “WHÂT THE HĒLL IS WROÑG WITH YOÛ... that’s a guy, you do know that right?!
-person B: “Fu*k, how do you know???”
-person C: “because i do... not all Nixtians look the same, kinda Nixtianist man”
-Person A: “I am confused and wan play Among Us with my bois, let’s get the hell outa here!”
-Cat1sôn: “nope... *Boom*”