

俚语 planger


When your mum comes home an there's shit (not fescies, but anything ranging from tpilet paper to a paint brush) ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE.
"What the fuck is this planger Gary? Clean this shit up or I'll slap your nuts"


Unplugging a toilet clogged with a dense turd using a hanger because a plunger is not available and leaving it plugged would result in an awkward situation. Instead of creating water pressure to send it through, you use the hanger to break up the mass so it can pass freely.
Was at my in-laws all day eating cheese and the iron steamer I dropped in their half-bath caused a major clog. My brother in law apparently doesn't believe in plungers so I had to planger that turd into smaller chunks to get it to go down, otherwise my wife would never hear the end of it from her sister. I left the hanger in the shower where I found it.




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