

俚语 plaxico's


to accidentally and unnecessarily harm yourself through pure stupidity. For example, bringing a loaded, unregistered, illegal handgun to a public place and shooting yourself with it. From Plaxico Burress, NY Giants wide receiver.
as a noun:
"I pulled a real plaxico by trading DeAngelo Williams. Now I have no RB's!"

as a verb:
"Why did I plaxico myself by planning on starting two Cleveland Clowns in the fantasy playoffs?!?"


To screw yourself over. To shoot yourself in the foot (or leg), both metaphorically or literally
Plaxico Burress totally Plaxico'd himself when he shot himself in the leg, ending his season with the New York Giants


v. To shoot yourself in the foot i.e. doing something stupid that will cause your demise.

1) After getting away with murder, O.J. sure did manage to plaxico himself.

2) Police officer: "Excuse me sir, is there a reason you ran that red light?"

Joe: "I was too drunk to notice the light had changed"

Police Officer: "It sounds like you just plaxicoed yourself"


To injure yourself; often in a very embarrassing way. to cause great unintended harm.
I went to help the lady change her tire but I pulled a plaxico and dropped the car on my foot.


(v.) To cause bodily harm to oneself. Including but not limited to: accidentally shooting oneself, stabbing and other accidents resulting in injury.

In reference to Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress who accidentally discharged his firearm into his own leg.
Sven got plaxicoed while fumbling with his gat.


(v.) to shoot yourself in the foot.
dude, did you see brad's hungover presentation to the cfo?

yeah, he really plaxico'd that one!


another word for stupid,stupid action....a non thinking person
oh man!!!that was a real plaxico move,not following the bosses orders..




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:41:45