

俚语 plaxident


the stupidest thing one can possibly do to oneself
When Plaxico Burress shot himself in the leg, he swore it was a plaxident


1. An act of stupidity which costs you $35 million.
2. An accident involving someone shooting his or herself in the leg.

Derived from the name of soon-to-be-former NY Giants wide receiver, Plaxico Burress, and the "accident" of shooting himself in the leg in a night club which simultaneously put him in jail, ended his career, and nullified the rest of his contract.
"Yo, I can't believe that idiot had a Plaxident! Now he has no money left and might go to jail!"


Accidentally shooting yourself with a gun.
Like Plaxico Burress did.
Did you hear Reggie got shot? It was a plaxident though, he shot himself.


An act of stupidity that costs you a lot of money; disabling your source of income
Jane, a model, was afraid of getting mugged and beaten so she carried a knife at all times. Running for a cab, she had a plaxident and fell, slashing her cheeks.


Similar to natural selection. Usually, it is a stupid decision that greatly harms the one who made the decision and slightly harms those around him.
Newspaper Headline: "NFL WR shoots team in foot, self in thigh. Total Plaxident."

Billy Bob: Hey, did you hear what happened to your boy Griz?

Sam: Yeah, he was getting head while making a homemade bomb and lost the side of his face. Complete Plaxident.


Any really really dumb mistake that is both personally devastating or painful and publicly humiliating. In reference to Plaxico Burress shooting himself in the leg.
Steve: Did you see that Plaxico Burress shot himself in the leg? What an idiot!

James: Yea, what an awful plaxident.

Andy: I was running the other day across the street and tripped over myself, falling in front of a bunch of people who laughed at me. It was the worst plaxident of my life.

Plaxidental Shooting

Definition 1: When you shoot yourself in the thigh on accident, most cases occur in clubs.
Definition 2: When your dumb ass star super bow reciever gets locked up for 2 years because he shot himself.
Did you hear? Vontae shot himself. Well I guess it was a plaxidental shooting.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:27:20