

俚语 played close

Played Close

When a manipulator tries to befriend under false pretense with the intention of using your personal information against you.

A false friendship, in which someone tries to get closer to you in order to steal from, embarrass, or ruin you.
We picked his brain and he never realized he was being "Played Close".

Ex. 1

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

Active Verbal Description:

see Ludacris Lyrics for the song "Roll Out".

Play me close

Trying to decieve, or mislead. To trick.
I can't belive that bitch tried to play me close.

playing me close

Defined as aggressively watching, or following a persons every move.
"Man my damn boss be playing me close".

Play me close

Fragile. Handle me with care. Ticking time bomb.
Dont ever bring your new girl around me. You better play me close.

Playing me too close

It’s a warning that someone is doing something that’s pissing you off and there will be consequences if they continue.
The store security guard kept watching me in the store when I was shopping so I told him, “fuck off, you’re playing me too close!”

play one's cards close to one's chest

To keep to oneself, to be secretive, to be very cautious in one's dealing with people and giving nothing much or nothing at all away. (As if one were playing cards and not permitting anyone to see any of the cards.)
"He is very cautious. He plays his cards close to his chest."

"You seem to be playing your cards close to your vest."

"Roy likes to play his cards close to his chest"

"To play one's cards close to one's chest is not nice etiquette"

Playing one's cards close to one's chest

While playing one's cards close to one's chest often refers to secretive behavior, it is nowadays being used as a euphemism for breast binding.

A lesbian or trans man may be referred to as someone who plays their cards close to their chest, especially when one is not sure what pronouns to use.
Oh, that's not a man, that's Hannah. She's got great tits but she's a butch and prefers to play her cards close to her chest.

That's Taylor, he can't play tag with us because he's playing his cards close to his chest and we don't want his lungs collapsing.

I saw Alex at the gym yesterday! It was pretty shocking because she usually plays her cards close to her chest but I guess she just uses a sports bra for working out.

Playing one's cards close to one's chest should be done safely and intermittently.




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