

俚语 ball stink

ball stink

usually brought on by not washing your sack has a foul odor smell like weak strange body odor is also brought on by sweaty sack disease(ssd)a horrible horrible disease that makes your nuts/testicles/scrotum smell like holy shit even if you washed them earlyer that day
holy shit wat the hell i just scrubed my boys this mornin jesus i must have sweaty sack disease im fucked
or dude i think you have ball stink man

Stink Ball

A ball of accumulated food/funk that varies in size, forms in the throat and then is dislodged sometimes involuntarily into your mouth when you are talking or clearing your throat.

The smell of it is comparable to Shit.
"I was talking and a stink ball came out of my mouth!"

Stink Balls

When you are having sex with a chick who squirts, and she squirts before you pull out, whick makes the squirt go all over your balls, then drying up and making an odour called "Stink Balls"
Guy 1 "What's that weird smell"
Guy 2 "Sorry, my chick gave me stink balls an hour ago"




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