

俚语 playing minecraft

playing minecraft

what you say your doing when your watching porn
mom: what are you dong
bob while watching porn: playing minecraft

Playing Minecraft

Slang for smoking weed
Stephen: Are we playing Minecraft tonight?
Lucas: Yeah did Jack get a new Bluetooth connector for his stylus? (Cartridge for dab pen)

playing Minecraft

doing something subjectively meaningless (based on the Latin phrase damno quod non intelligo, i.e. subjective to everyone, including yourself, except the person who uses this phrase on you).
mother: Adam, go help your father in the yard, if I may interrupt you. All you've been doing to day in playing Minecraft.

Adam: okay, I'll go help dad, but remember that the purpose, or lack thereof, of playing Minecraft, I mean actually physically playing the game, is subjectively meaningless (Adam goes off to help his dad)

playing Minecraft

The act of playing a game called Minecraft.
Person 1: I'm going to be playing Minecraft tomorrow.
Person 2: me too, shall we play together?
Person 1: why not.

playing Minecraft

playing Minecraft

doing something subjectively meaningless, (i.e. something that is objectively 'useful' to you and everyone around you except the person who uses this phrase on you).
mother: Adam, go help your father in the yard, if I may interrupt you. All you've been doing to day doing your homework and cleaning your room. What you were doing all day is playing Minecraft; your table becomes messy 5 minutes later anyways, and your school grades are poor.

Im playing minecraft

Minecraft is the most epic game as it has 1000000000000 views on youtube at least, and that's a lot! So by saying I'm playing minecraft, you're saying I'm being an epic gamer!
Im playing minecraft.

Alex Plays Minecraft

Your friend Alex plays a game called Minecraft
Oh Alex Plays Minecraft?




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