

俚语 plebb


A common worker, ordinary, a new employee, underling, one of many.
He's just a plebb. Get one of the plebbs to do it.
I need some plebbs for this job.


noun somebody who is complete crap at everything and cant do anything rite, and to be honest is a complete noob at everything. generally used as an insult
1. you plebb

2. your such a plebb

3. you gay assed horse raping mother fucking retarded spasticated asswipe plebb


Plebb is that guy in class that so annoying and disgusting that you wanna kill him every time you see him and he is that disgusting he picks his nose and eats it and always when he goes to the toilet he always sings Rihanna songs and cries about basicly everything.
That Guy Is Plebb


The worst insult of them all, all of the insults and curse words you can think of in one...
You are the biggest plebbe I’ve ever met


noun - A name given to a person who has no pubes. Either because they shaved them off, haven't hit puberty yet etc...

verb - Used as a replacement for 'fuck'
Deano: You anti-social cunt, get some fuckin' friends
Rizeh: I got more friends than you got pubes you fucking plebb

Rippee: Am gonna go shave me pyebes and become a plebb like Deano!

We just got plebbed
I'm gonna plebb your mum tonight


A group of very nice (if a little strange) individuals who all enjoy spending time / chatting with each other.
"Woa! Guys, were such a Plebb!"
"This is a big step for me... but I just really want to be a Plebb with you lot!"


your mom
plebb you suck




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