

俚语 pleckz


A pleckz is person, a place, or thing, or imaginative thoughts you can also call it a "ghost" or a soul. A pleckz can shapeshift at will.

You you can become another person's pleckz at will, if you learn do it. You can actually feel their bodily features, facial structure, mannerisms even a bit of the mentality. You can even talk to a person's pleckz too. But do not ever misuse their pleckz . They will know. misuse of a person pleckz can lead to body decay, deformation, raised blood pressure and many other ailments. Think of it like this Emma Frost with Green Latern's powers without the use of a ring co-starring in Ghost in The Shell. But remember one thing, simply put your mental pleckz is simply your imagination. Think of a scenario of any kind and it can have dire consequences or positive feedback. Your heart and your ears will send alerts to your pleckz to see which way the wind will blow for that person. One other thing. The saying: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." is overrated in my opinion. Words can def hurt you very much so.
I used my pleckz to get rid of food that was stuck in the garbage disposal/drain last night after dinner.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:22:08