

俚语 plipped


Plip; Verb or Plipped

If you "plipped" someone it means you unlocked the car door at the same moment the other being opened the door. Thus, canceling the unlocking and the door still being locked.
Yo dawg you just plipped me man.

I hate it when I get plipped.

plip plip

Plip Plip is a Tamil YouTube channel they usually roast woke movies like Boomi,Throwbathi....
They're well known for their Progressive ideologies beneath the layer of Dark Comedy
How to Trigger a Boomer?
Make them watch Plip plip


The anatomical name for the penile lips. The lips either side of the terminal opening of the male urethra on the distal tip of penile organ.
Oh baby, you get me so hot and bothered. My plips are self-glossing right now.

Kiss me on the plips, make it wet so it slips!


A minuscule shit. The tiniest of poops often released either accidentally, or with great force meant for a much larger shit.

This word originates with the onomatopoeia of the smallest of turds hitting the water.
"I was just going to take a piss, but I plipped accidentally as well. Fuck, now Ima have to wipe. That's what I get for sitting down to piss."


combination of "pussy" and "lips"
That freak needs some cosmetic surgery because his grill is wak, looks like he's got some plips on his face.


little mounts for hanging posters on windows
Using PLIPS to stick their signs and notices in windows, shopkeepers can avoid adhesives residues and mess from mastics.


The outer and inner lip of the vagina

Originated from the words 'Pussy' and 'Lips'
Bob: Damn, that lady had some rockin plips!
Jerry: Oh, I bet she did!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:57:02