

俚语 plmnbvcxzaqwsdfghjklpoiuytrew


Congratulations! You have achieved level GOD boredom... Claim Your : I'm Bored and am messing around on the keyboard ticket Here!

But just so you know, there are even more levels of boredom YOU haven't even reached yet soo..... you're not THAT special , but hey look on the bright side! You got a cool ticket!
Person A: Ughh... im soo bored that I typed qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!
Person B: That's nothin'! I was so bored that I typed plmnbvcxzaqwsdfghjklpoiuytrew
Person A: OMG! Really?
Person B: Yup! And I got a cool ticket out of it on Urban Dictionary!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:57:37