

俚语 plops


A type of rectal excretion that leaves the body with great force, excessive gaseousness, and copious amounts of fecal liquids.
That hot sauce really messed me up! First thing the next morning, I hit the toilet with a harsh case of the plops.


the best (obv all these hoes be saying they're the best) friend group eva
omg i love the plops theyre the fucking best


Mash patatoes in the shape of breasts.

Can also be used when referring to a girls breast or butt.
Those are some nice plops you got there I might grab some.

plop plop

A plop plop is a poo. This is name originates from the sound that a poo makes when it falls into the toilet. Plop plop smells really bad.
I just did a big brown plop plop on your momma's face!


To lay your junk upon an item.
He just plopped on my 3ds.


The sound one makes when one drops a ploppy-poo into a body of water.
Heave... heave... PLOP! Ahhh...

The Plop

The act of "plopping" one's dick upon the lover or desired ones head, therefore creating heavy sexual tension and presenting your junk in a romantic manner.
"The bitch said I had to be more romantic so I gave her the plop."




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