

俚语 plowman


Man who plows something, snow, dirt, women, etc.
Ex.1. Jeremy plowed me this morning!
2. That Jeremy my plowman really knows how to plow my driveway.
3. Jeremy is so good with his plow, he didn't hurt my bushes, petals, or my ditch!


1 the man in a plow truck who shovels snow
2 in a gang bang the guy who picked firsts on the females anal passage
1 wow that plowmans pissing me off
2 i want to be plowman tonight


A local lad who gets drunks at parties and spews everywhere, only to pass out at 3 in the morning
Kid 1- woah i feel like im gonna spew
kid- jeez your a plowman

Joe-look at that drunk over there
Fred- yeha he must be a plowman

Giovanna Plowman

A girl who decided it was a great idea to eat a tampon and record it for all of the internet to see.
Friend 1 : Did you see the video of Giovanna Plowman?
Friend 2 : EW! Don't talk about that tampon sucker!

Plowman's Handy

A two-handed hand-job prior to which the giver spits on both palms, as if about to till a field.
She had just gotten her wisdom teeth removed so she gave me a plowman's handy - next best thing.

Plowman Special

The Plowman Special can be anything as long as its based from fecal matter.
Darwin: Yo I just saw some guy making a Plowman Special
Rychard Time: Yooooo!!!!

Plowman's Lunch

During intercourse, one partner: vomits, defecates and urinates into a large lunch cooler. Afterwards, the very same partner proceeds to lather this concoction of bodily fluids all over their lover and force feed it to him or her. Making out afterwards is imperative.
Diane came over last night. After about an hour of sensual foreplay, we both enjoyed a helping of plowman's lunch.




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