

俚语 plug-pullers

plug puller

people who pull their plug during dota when they are losing in order to leave the game without getting banned
lol the plug puller is still going to get banned

plug puller

n. adj.
Someone who pulls their ethernet cable in a game in order to disconnect from that game--particularly if they are losing. Often used as a tactic by people who think it's "better" than Alt+Q+Q, or they think they can make it look like a legitimate disconnect rather than "leaving" which is highly frowned upon in games on Battle.net--particularly TDA DOTA Allstars games.
Waiting for: icantdealwiththatnow
icantdealwiththatnow has left the game

opposing player: Plug Puller!


someone that has arranged plans with someone else (an outing/beer or any liason) and last minute cancels.
maaaan, damn plug-pullers, i was supposed to meet them here in like 5 mins, they just called and cancelled.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:22:48