

俚语 pns


Acronym for Post Nut Syndrome
PNS - Acronym for Post Nut Syndrome


Stands for "Penis needs stroking". Considered to be the male version of PMS. Common symptoms include, but are not limited to: Tension, irritability, anxiety or depression, trouble sleeping, headache, appetite changes or food cravings. Most common in married men over 30.
-What's with James? Seems like if he's not sleeping, he's heading to the buffet for crab legs. And didn't he punch a hole through his flatscreen the other day??? -His wife won't put out, man. He's suffering from some serious PNS.


Post Netflix Syndrome. When you're done watching a really good season or series and you experience an extreme desire for more of that show. This is often the spark of emotion that inspires people to create fan pages or obsess over characters.
Hey Rachel, did you finish watching that Netflix show Thirteen Reasons Why?
Yeah dude, that gave me some serious PNS; I was crying all night.


Post-Nightmare Syndrome. When you stay up for ahwile after having a nightmare, or just the annoying replay of scenes fom the nightmare the day after having it.
Person #1: Dude I stayed up for two hours after that nightmare last night
Person# 2: yeah....PNS sucks.


- “Poor Nigga Syndrome” Men from the hood with a good mentality. Who don’t have any money, a father or morals. They act tough and treat women like shit. And are afraid to show feelings.
Me : “you don’t support black lives matter”

My friend from the hood: “niggas die everyday”

Me : “Damn nigga your PNS is so bad”


Phone Number Scales. describing somebody who is SO FAT, so OBESELY OVERWEIGHT that if/when they are stupid enough to attempt to weigh themselves, the scales will display their phone number.
john - DUDE check that PNS... she reminds me of you mum
dave - i am going to permanently seperate you from your balls


Peace Nigga. Used to say goodbye.
Jamal:Yo, i gotta book.

Tyrone:Aiight. PN




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:14:30