

俚语 poing


To jump exitedly into the air, like a bounce but with more emphasis on the leaping. See sluggy freelance for details. used online excessively.
*poing* Torg!


to verb a noun with your noun.

Also, a misspelling of the word point, transformed into sexual innuendo.

Also, penis.
girl: what's your poing??
guy: what's YOUR poing?!?
girl: hmmm i dont think i have a poing...
guy: i could GIVE you a poing...
girl: yeah, i think i need one.
girl i NEEEED one
girl oh YEAH
guy: i'll give it to you, baby.
guy: girl I am going to poing you so hard.

po po

the cops, the police
oh shit! the po po is after us!


the police

originated in california where bycycle mounted cops travel around in sets of two. they wear vests with giant POs written on them. thus the name po-po originated
look out the po-po is coming

the po-po

Police officers, usually in a derogatory fashion.
My boy Nee-Nee got picked up by the po-po, he had a warrant for unpaid tickets and we trying to get err'body to pitch in for bail.


the cops. if you hear some one yell the po-po's comein RUN!!!!!
oh snap! it's the po-po!

Po pos

The police. You usually say this when running from the police.
Oh shit! The po pos are after me!




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