Pokémon:Johto League Conquest
An "Epic" Pokémon Fan Fiction following the story of a 15 year old teen named, Cronus. With Chikory, his Chikorita and His best friend, Taro. Created "TrickyClown" of Deviant Art, also known as "Crono" from Vizzed Board. It can be known as Pokémon:JLC. His Fan Fiction has opened eyes through most of the internet and some people get inspired by it. The writer chose to add sequels to Johto League Conquest by having the main character, Cronus travel to all the Pokémon Regions. "My fan fiction will die, when the Pokémon Franchise dies, in which I doubt very much." says writer of Johto League Conquest, Crono. He says that he is making NO profit at all from the Fan Fiction and is only writing it for the entertainment of his readers. Thus, leaving Crono writing chapters for the story every week or so.
Websites in which provide chapters to Pokémon:Johto League Conquest:
1)trickyclown.deviantart.com/ <--(Crono's Primary uploading source for Johto League Conquest)
2)www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/thread.php?id=11540 <--(His second uploading source for Johto League Conquest)
1)trickyclown.deviantart.com/ <--(Crono's Primary uploading source for Johto League Conquest)
2)www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/thread.php?id=11540 <--(His second uploading source for Johto League Conquest)