

俚语 poleax


On the American frontier, a woodworker began at the source of his material - the tree. He made his own lumber from scratch with two axes: a poleax to fell the tree and make rough kerfs in the log, and a broadax to slice away wood between kerfs and square the sides. The poleax has a straight handle and a head weighing about 4 1/2 pounds, while the broadax has a curved handle (to keep knuckles from being skinned on wood) and a heavier head.
The housewright used a poleax to fell the trees for his cabin.


to be hit with extreme force causing loss of balance and in extreme cases injury and/or in some cases death.
Oh, did you see Jimmy? He poleaxed himself when he ran into that wall.


Extremely surprised; shocked and unbalanced.
After his revelation, Jane stared at Edward, poleaxed.


This is the state you end up in after downing fifteen pints and a couple of whiskey chasers. Thanks to the definition above I am never drinking fifteen pints again, just in case I am they are linked
after slaughtering the contents of the beer Keg, he was totally pole-axed...


To own completely and totally. Usually involves violence.

Does not necessarily involve medieval weaponry.
The next person who calls me Con-Con gets poleaxed!


the term used for drinking way too much and getting completely FUCKED!
Guy 1:lolz yeah Lachies passed out, looking over the toilet already.. and its fucking 10:30 pm

Guy 2:Hahahaha

Guy 1:yeah hes completely Poleaxed, so we gonna go draw on him!


A condition that occurs after drinking your own bodyweight in vodka and ending up going home with a polish guy you never met before
Emma: Jesus! You look terrible! And where the hell were you last night?

Becca: Drank vodka redbulls for almost 10 hours after work yesterday, ended up at my lucky pub and woke up this morning with an Eastern European plumber somewhere in Tottenham...

Emma: Poleaxed?

Becca: Totally...




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