

俚语 polished turd

Polished Turd

An unattractive girl, who through a good dress sense and the proficient application of make up can appear beautifal to a drunken man.
"That girls a stunner"
"My god man, she's a polished turd!"

Polished Turd

Someone who (if nature had their way) would look ugly. But, as a result of using various methods (cosmetics, diet etc) they manage to achieve an average or above on a scale of attractiveness.

Way to Spot a Polished Turd:
1. Give the person a score out of 10 for attractiveness.
2. Then, work out their beauty product score by looking in their medicine cabinet and counting how many beauty products they have, divide that number by 3 (rounding to the closest whole number).
3. Take their beauty product score away from their score out of 10 for attractiveness.
If the person scores below 5, they are officially a polished turd.

Example of a Polished Turd:
Tori Spelling when she starred in, the 2003 made-for-TV film, 'A Christmas Carol' and looked relatively OK.
Joe: Look at, the twins, Kate and Fiona.
Kyle: Apparently, they are identical. Which is funny since Fiona's hot and Kate isn't.
Joe: Yeah, Fiona's always applying make-up and bursting spots. Looking at Kate, who's not bothered by how she looks, goes to show Fiona is a big polished turd.

Polished Turd

A blank that has been tactically cleaned in a way that makes it look decent, when in reality, it is absolute trash. Usually not recoverable.
The pictures of the house were not too bad, but when I looked in person... I'd rather not say... it was a polished turd, to say the least. *memories cause a gag then they puke in their mouth, before swallowing it. Then wishing they hadn't.*

Polished Turd

A old, beat down, overall crappy truck, modified with big rims and lifts to look cool despite to overall lackluster look of the rest of the vehicle, most commonly drive by highschool students in the south.
Evans 04’ Silverado is a real nice Polished Turd

Polished Turd

A girl you take out on a date who is normally very ugly, but when she dresses up and wears make-up she looks OK at best.
I went on a movie date with a polished turd last Friday.

Polishing a Turd

Wasting a lot of time working on something that is too broken or worthless to fix.
I was going to repair the TV I found while dumpster diving but I was just Polishing a Turd.

polish a turd

To attempt to put a positive spin or light on something that is clearly shit.
Polish the turd all you want- that movie still sucks.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:37:09