

俚语 polish shower

polish shower

When you don't shower for days and just spray yourself with anything they can find. Perfume, spray on deodorant, febreze, etc.
Person 1: Ew dude did you bathe in AXE?
Person 2: No, I got up late so I took a polish shower.

polish shower

when instead of taking a shower you just wet a washcloth and go over the parts of your body that smell
"i am not fucking taking a shower today i took one yesterday, i'll just take a polish shower"

polish shower

When a man pisses into the wind.
Man, on that road trip last week we were in the middle of nowhere so I pulled over to take a leak and accidently gave myself a polish shower.

polish shower

To return to the lavatory and re-wipe your anus.

"To go wipe your butt again."
"You smell like ass, go take a polish shower."

polish shower

to not wash ever like i mean ever just when people die or get married.
brigitte, richard and dianne has a polish shower always

Polish Shower

When you are sweaty and stinky already and you use a stick deodorant to attempt to cover the smell. Since you smell already, the smells just blend . This is usually done before work(skipping a shower) or on the way to the bar.
"Hold on, I'll be right there. I gotta take a Polish Shower"

Polish Shower

A person who smothers themselves with cheap perfume stolen from there grandma's handbag to cover the smell that has persisted from not taking a shower in the past 7 days.
Polish Girl 1: Do have any perfume I need to take a shower before we leave.
Polish Girl 2:Just let me get some from my grandma.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:04:05