A pollutician is a politician responsible through his/her action for the release of contaminants into our environment.
These actions may include, but are not limited to, campaigning against legislation in favour of emission control or supporting the development of infrastructure (i.e. highways) which will create additional pollution.
These actions may include, but are not limited to, campaigning against legislation in favour of emission control or supporting the development of infrastructure (i.e. highways) which will create additional pollution.
Goverments allowing for the exploitation of gold mine using mercury are clearly under the control of polluticians.
Polluticians are the main target of big corporation lobbyists.
Polluticians are the main target of big corporation lobbyists.
A pollutician is a politician responsible through his/her action for the release of contaminants into our environment.
These actions may include, but are not limited to, campaigning against legislation in favour of emission control or supporting the development of infrastructure (i.e. highways) which will create additional pollution.
These actions may include, but are not limited to, campaigning against legislation in favour of emission control or supporting the development of infrastructure (i.e. highways) which will create additional pollution.
Goverments allowing for the exploitation of gold mine using mercury are clearly under the control of polluticians.
Polluticians are the main target of big corporation lobbying.
Polluticians are the main target of big corporation lobbying.