Polocrosse captures the prestige of the two most exclusive sports in the world: Polo and Lacrosse. Played on a horse and with a lax wand, polocrosse takes exclusivity to a whole new realm of prestige, making traditional laxers and polo players look like mere mortals. To play polocrosse you must have awesome dangling skills and you must be very affluent as you are expected to own no less than 12 polocrosse (not polo) horses. The number and quality of girls willing to hook up with polo-x players puts laxtitutes to shame, which is an added benefit.
Girl: "I would definately hook up with that laxer if he dangled on a horse"
Girl 2: "Definately, polocrosse is so hot"
Girl 2: "Definately, polocrosse is so hot"