1. The desire for sexual relations with multiple people.
2. The sexual equivalent to polyamory.
3. The sexual equivalent to polygamy.
4. The state of being sexually attracted to or desiring sexual intercourse with multiple people, typically including people who they are not romantically attracted to.
Origin: From "Poly-" (derived from "polyamory" and "polygamy") and "Concupiscence" meaning "sexual desire".
2. The sexual equivalent to polyamory.
3. The sexual equivalent to polygamy.
4. The state of being sexually attracted to or desiring sexual intercourse with multiple people, typically including people who they are not romantically attracted to.
Origin: From "Poly-" (derived from "polyamory" and "polygamy") and "Concupiscence" meaning "sexual desire".
I do not wish to be romantic with any other but my polyconcupiscence will not allow me to be satisfied unless I can be sexual with another.